Ruba Bandiera (Capture the Flag)


The players are divided into two teams and stand facing each other. The members of each team are numbered, so that each team has a number 1, 2, 3 etc.

Another player positions himself in the center of the space between the teams, the flag bearer, who is holding a handkerchief that the teams must retrieve. The flag holder calls a number and the corresponding players (one per team) must run to get the handkerchief before the opposing team. The first player who manages to catch it and bring it to their base earns their team a point; but, if the opposing player manages to touch it before it reaches the base, the point passes to the opposing team.

The team that has earned the most points at the end of the match wins.


The origins are not known, but according to legend it was invented by some shipwrecked people who, having raised a flag to ask for help, when one of them stole it to ask for help from a passing ship, began to be chased by the others to wave it better.

Physical abilities developed

Reflexes, motor skills, speed