The slower you go, the further you will go (Lēnāk brauksi, tālāk tiksi)


The participants stand behind an imaginary line, while the leader of the game stands with his back to the others some 20 meters away.

The manager shouts: "Slow down, you'll get further" and immediately turns to the players. When the driver turns, everyone freezes. If someone moves, they must go back behind the line. The driver turns around again and continues to call: "Slow down, you'll get further."

While the leader has his back, the players run to him and try to touch him. Whoever touches the leader first gets to his place and the game starts over.


The game was created at a time when there were no smartphones, computers, when children spent their free time outdoors, approx. around the 1950s-1960s. There is no information about the exact place of its origin, but the game was popular throughout the territory of Latvia with different variations.

Physical abilities developed

Improve the skills of movement, overcoming obstacles and promote formation of cooperation skills.