Strega comanda colore (Witch commands color)


This is an old playground game.

A child is the witch and shouts a color. Others who are playing must rush to touch something of that color while the witch chases them. Self no one is caught before touching something of the color right, the same person remains the witch. If someone comes instead captured, he becomes the witch.

This game requires a minimum of 3 players, even if groups of 11 are ideal. One player is chosen as a “witch", which he calls a color. The others must touch an object of that color, be it a piece of clothing or something in the surrounding environment, before the witch can capture them. The first child who is touched becomes the next witch. If the current witch is not successful, she must call another color.


Basically, the game is divided into three phases: First, you must choose a player to lead the game: it will be "the witch". The game begins when the witch says: "Witch commands color...[one color of your choice]". After choosing a specific color, all players must tap an object of that color as quickly as possible, to save themselves from "it" and avoid being caught. The witch's task is to catch players as they run for their lives. Who comes caught first will become "it"/"witch" in the next round.

Also in this case it is a variant of the classic game of "tag": in this version, the seeker - "it" - is called the witch, i.e "The Witch". The name of this game mentions this player, the most important, also explaining the basic rule of the game: witch command color means "[the] witch commands [the] color"!

Physical abilities developed

Speed, reflexes, strategy, coordination